The United Coconut Associations of the Philippines, Inc. (UCAP) is a confederation of associations/organizations involved in the various activities of the coconut industry. UCAP was incorporated on 16 June 1964 as a non-stock, nonprofit organization. Its primary purposes are: 1) to unite all elements of the coconut industry and work for their common good; 2) promote harmonious coordination among the various sectors of the industry for the common benefit of the producing, trading, processing and consuming public; 3) to inculcate and preserve high standards of honor and integrity among its members and to promote just and equitable principles and practices of trade; 4) to serve as a center of information about the coconut and related subjects; and 5) to provide a forum for the discussion of problems, issues affecting the coconut industry and/or any of its sectors, inter alia.

To provide its members and industry guests an opportunity to socialize and exchange ideas and information on the latest development affecting the industry and the national and world economy.
Bowling Tournament
This Annual Event for Industry Bowlers aims to strengthen Camaraderia among UCAP members, develop friendship with new comers, interphase with various sector.

Golf Open
This Annual Event for Industry Golfers aims to strengthen Camaraderia among UCAP members, develop friendship with new comers, interphase with various sector.