
Statements from PH Coconut Industry Stakeholders on USFDA Removal of Coconut in the List of Tree Nuts

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Philippine export of coconut products in December, according to UCAP estimates, totaled 178,787 MT in copra terms, a slight fall by 1.7% from the previous year at 181,871 MT, but a substantial reduction by 20.5% from the November unofficial data at 224,845 MT.  Compared to the previous 11-month (January-November) average at 225,718 MT, this month’s figure was 20.8% behind. 
All the major exports but coconut oil significantly exceeded the respective prior year totals.  Coconut oil recorded the only year-on-year decline in December, though by a modest 4.0% at 95,015 MT from 98,974 MT but enough to bring down the coconut export aggregate. This month’s lifting was 23.8% short of the monthly average at 124,611 MT.
The traditional markets, USA and EU, jointly accounted for 73.5% of total shipment with each other almost equally sharing the lot.  The USA held 36.9% or 35,025 MT and the EU 36.6% or 34,800 MT. Other destinations were Indonesia at 18,000 MT (18.9%), Malaysia at 4,500 MT (4.7%), and Japan at 2,690 MT (2.8%).
Export of copra meal spiked 125.6% to 35,700 MT from 15,824 MT and surpassed the monthly average at 29,838 MT by 19.7%.  India was the top importer during the month cornering 15,200 MT (42.6%), followed by South Korea at 12,900 MT (36.1%), and China and Vietnam at 3,800 MT (10.6%) apiece. 
External trade of desiccated coconut was 14,490 MT, besting by 12.5% the prior year total at 12,875 MT but was fractionally lower by 0.8% when compared with the monthly average at 14,602 MT.  Delivery of oleochemicals climbed similarly by 14.5% to 5,567 MT as copra from 4,864 MT and was 4.1% above the average at 5,347 MT.
Total export for the calendar year 2024, according to UCAP estimate, reached 2,659,187 MT in copra terms, appreciably exceeding by 30.4% a similar period year-ago data at 2,038,802 MT.  The figure combined the January-September official data from the Philippine Statistics Authority and the UCAP estimates for the last quarter of 2024. All products but oleochemicals posted double-digit growth over the previous year as shown in the breakdown following, in MT: coconut oil 1,465,734 (1,090,418 year-ago), copra meal 363,919 (284,289), desiccated coconut 175,109 (156,273), oleochemicals as copra 61,894 (66,370).

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